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Human rights

Afghanistan Women and Children Today-Message from RAWA

  • Time and Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2005 18:30-20:30
  • Venue: Kitakyushu Municipal Gender Equality Center “MOVE” 5th fl, Main Seminar Room
  • Organizer: Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women
  • Co-organizer: CESA (Committee for Education of Child Sexual Awareness and wellbeing)
  • Lecturer: Ms. Amina Shams, RAWA (Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan) staff member
  • Participants: 34 persons
  • Consecutive interpretation offered

Recently the mass media has not reported the situation of Afghanistan. How is the situation of women and children in Afghanistan? A staff from RAWA talked about the situation in Afghanistan. First, a video about the situation in Afghanistan and activities of RAWA was shown. Then Ms. Shams talked about up-to-date information of Afghanistan and people there, which was not reported in Japan.
RAWA is a female NGO, acting widely in Afghanistan and Afghan refugee camps in Pakistan in various fields such as women’s rights, refugee education, healthcare, etc. It was established by a woman called Meena in 1977. Rawa had been keeping various action such as operating schools, orphanage, hospitals, etc. in a difficult time, when former Soviet Union, Northern Alliance and the Taliban ruled Afghanistan for more than twenty years.