It is necessary to incorporate gender perspective in research, policies and projects in the field of welfare, but there have been few studies adopting this approach. This volume contains papers and research notes written from gender perspective that analyze issues, such as the decreasing number of children in Japan, aging societies, poverty, income gaps, pensions, as well as reports by KFAW researchers and articles and essays on other topics.
Foreword | Masami Shinozaki | East Asian Networks for Elderly Care |
Thematic Paper | Reiko Ogawa | Migration of Southeast Asian Care Workers to Japan: Issues and Contestations |
Akwi Seo | Formation of Ethnic Identity through Elder Care: An Analysis of Korean Women’s Solidarity in a Day Home in Osaka | |
Pei Xiaomei | Economically Involved but Socially Excluded Elderly Survivors in Transitional China | |
Research Notes | Yoshimi Chitose | Gender Differences in Health Insurance Coverage among Foreign Residents in Japan: A Case Study from Hamamatsu City |
Bingqin Li, and Huamin Peng | Unemployment Experience and Registered Long-term Unemployment in China: A Gender Perspective | |
KFAW Reports | Asuka Kawano, Takuzo Osugi, and Junko Otani | Women’s Community Activities in Central Asia from Gender Perspectives |
Masako Ota | Eco-business by Women’s Group in Gujarat, India | |
Trends in Women’s Studies in Asia |
Rashidah Shuib | Women in Science and Technology in Malaysia: A Gender Perspective |
Current Topics | Calvin S. de los Reyes, and Yasuhide Nakamura | Ensuring Healthier Mothers and Children in Japan and across the Asian Continent: The Maternal and Child Health Handbook Program |
David Adam Stott | Inong Balee: The Forgotten Heroines of Aceh? | |
Photo Essay | Yasuko Ose | Elderly Care through Rural-Urban Communications: A Visit to Yume Mirai Kunma |
Women in Kitakyushu | Beverley Anne Yamamoto | A Vision of Modern Dance that Transcends Traditional Barriers: A Profile of Akiko Kuroda |
JPY 1,000
B5/128 pages
Published in December, 2008
ISSN 0918-8568