News & Topics

The 22nd Kitakyushu Conference on Asian Women

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1.Date November 26 (Sat.) – 27 (Sun.), 2011 
2.Venue 5th Floor Large Seminar Room, Kitakyushu Municipal Gender Equality Center MOVE
3.Organizer Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (KFAW)
4.Sponsors Cabinet Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health,
Consulate General of Republic of Korea in Fukuoka,
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA Kyushu International Center),
Fukuoka Prefecture, City of Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu City Board of Education
5.Theme November 26(Sat.) *Simultaneous interpreting in Japanese and Korean
“Facing to Natural Disasters-What Should We Learn from the Great East Japan Earthquake”

The Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11 brought great shock and huge devastation. Japan is currently making every possible effort to recover from the disaster.
At the 22nd Kitakyushu Conference on Asian Women, we will squarely examine this disaster, on an unparalleled scale, and discuss the need from a gender perspective in disaster prevention and the recovery process, as well as what we can and ought to do now.

November 27 (Sun.) *Simultaneous interpreting in Japanese and Korean

 ・Reports on KFAW Research Activities 
 ・Reports on KFAW /CWPDI Joint Research

6.Program Please click here
7.Capacity 100 seats
All programs are free of charge.
8.Application -Phone, FAX and e-mail.
-Apply in advance.


* Information
    ・TEL      093(583)3434
    ・FAX      093(583)5195


6.11 Symposium “Disaster / Reconstruction and Gender Equality” will be held on June 11, 2011

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 It was decided to hold a 6.11 symposium “Disaster / Reconstruction and Gender Equality” on June 11, 2011.

 In this symposium, we will discuss the disaster restoration with gender perspective.

 We welcome many people to participate in this symposium. 


1. Date                June 11, 2011 (Sat.) 10:00-16:45


2. Organizer:    Science Council of Japan (


3.  Venue            Auditorium of Science Council of Japan



4. Capacity       First 300 applicants


5. Program      Please click here (Japanese only)

                     All programs are free of charge.


6. Application    Fax or Application form from here

Science Council of Japan

〒106-8555  Roppongi7-22-34, Minato-ku, Tokyo

TEL: 03-3403-6295/FAX: 03-3403-1260 

The 21st Kitakyushu Conference on Asian Women

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1. Date              November 13, 2010 (Sat.)-November 14, 2010 (Sun.)


2. Venue           Kitakyushu Municipal Gender Equality Center MOVE


3. Organizer:  Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (KFAW)


4. Theme
   “Child Rearing Environments in the World: Children, Parents and Society”


 Currently, Japan is taking a variety of measures to provide child-rearing assistance amid a declining birthrate. The City of Kitakyushu is also striving to “create a community that is the top supporter of child rearing in Japan.”
The term “child rearing” does not refer simply to a task performed only by mothers or women. Nor is it only a family issue. Moreover, each family with children has its own set of circumstances and composition.
 However, the healthy growth of children is wanted by all. Given this, what kind of systems, society, and environments would be more advantageous to child rearing?
 On the Panel Discussion at the first day of the conference, we will look at “Child Rearing Environments in the World” and compare child-rearing circumstances in Japan and various countries, such as the United States, Korea, and Denmark, in an effort to search for what we can do to help to raise our children in future generations.
 On the second day, KFAW researchers will report their research outcomes.

 *Simultaneous interpretation (Japanese-English) is available.


5. Program
  Please click here
      All programs are free of charge.


6. Capacity
      Panel Discussion (Nov.13)                                   First 500 applicants
      Reports on KFAW’s Research Activities (Nov.14)     First 100 applicants


7. Application
    Phone, Fax, or E-mail (
   TEL:093-583-3434   FAX:093-583-5195



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