News & Topics
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The recording of “Moldova has a small country with a big heart” ~Fleeing Ukraine to Moldova -Women and Children Refugees~ held on July 7, 2022 is now available on our YouTube Channel. Enjoy streaming here until August 19, 2022.
Copyright: Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women
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Moldova is providing humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian Women and Children refugees.
KFAW shares how Moldova national authority supports Ukrainian women and children refugees and also shares some notable debates or conclusions at the parliament in Moldova.
KFAW has been conducting the JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) training course on “Gender Mainstreaming Policies for Government Officers” since in 1992 and two speakers are participants in year 2021 at this JICA training.
Mr. Vladimir NEGURA
Head, International Relations and European Affairs Directorate,
General Police Inspectorate
Senior Consultant, Department of assistance and development,
Secretariat of the Parliament
- Date / Time: Thursday, July 7, 2022 / 3.30p.m. – 5:00 p.m. (JST/GMT+9)
*Please make sure your time.
- Location: ONLINE / Zoom (max. 500 participants)
- Simultaneous interpretation in English / Japanese is provided
- Registration fee: Free
- Registration deadline :July 4, 2022
Scan or click to access the registration form
Or go to below URL

Please address any inquiries to:
About Zoom:
Please download the Zoom app prior to the conference, if you use ‘Inter
pretation Function’.
A link to access the event will be emailed by July 5. If you do not receive it, please contact KFAW at
All participants must provide a valid email address at the time of registration.
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The recording of “Youth talk: action for climate justice, disaster prevention & gender equality,” held on March 17, 2022 as part of the NGO CSW66 Forum, is now available on our YouTube Channel. Enjoy streaming here until April 30, 2022.
Copyright: Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (
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We would like to know what you think about Asian Breeze so we can meet readers’ needs and improve our work. Please help us by completing this short survey, which will only take about 1-2 minutes. All responses will remain confidential.
Read Asian Breeze No.91 here.
Deadline: April 30, 2022
Two respondents will be selected to each win a towel handkerchief from IMABARI×SHIMA-SHIMA featuring a unique Kokura-ori design (pattern may vary). Kokura-ori was a traditional textile that was produced at the beginning of the 17th century by the feudal clan in the Kokura area of southern Japan.
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Young people in Japan and other Asian countries discuss effective ways to integrate gender perspectives into disaster risk reduction in the context of climate change. Representatives of CSOs or individuals demonstrate good practices of gender-responsive disaster risk prevention measures. Examples of efforts to raise awareness of the public in environmental issues may also be presented.
The event starts with presentations on initiatives by the local Kitakyushu communities, including the City, a university, and civil society. It then proceeds to presentations by 3 youth panelists from Japan and Asia, followed by a discussion.
This event is held as part of the NGO CSW66 Forum and will be delivered in English only.
For detailed event program, click here.
The text data of the event program is available here.
Date & Time: |
March 17, 2022
4:00 – 5:30 AM EDT / 5:00 – 6:30 PM JST/GMT+9
Location: |
Zoom Meeting (max. 85 participants)
Registration fee: |
How to register: |
Complete this registration form by March 16, 2022.
- Once the form is submitted, you will receive an automated email with a Zoom link to join the event (be sure to provide a valid email address on the registration form). Keep this email safe until March 17.
- If you do not receive the event link by March 16, contact us at:
- Make sure to download the Zoom app prior to the event.
Please address any inquiries to:
About other parallel events |
To view the full list of events held at the NGO CSW66 Forum, you must register for the Forum on this website. This is separate from the registration for the parallel event organized by KFAW.
Once on the above website, click “REGISTER NOW!” and follow the screen. Early registration is strongly recommended.
Please note that KFAW is unable to provide any assistance with or respond to inquiries related to registration for the NGO CSW66 Forum.