Foreword | Yasuko Muramatsu | Are ICTs an All-Powerful Panacea? |
The 14th Kitakyushu Conference on Asian Women | Women’s Empowerment and ICT | |
Research Papers | Chineze J. Onyejekwe | The Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Women’s Empowerment: An Overview |
Kumiko Shuto | Green Tourism and Women’s Social Position in Rural Japan | |
Subadhra Devi Rai | Calculating the Monetary Value of Dais’ Work: A Strategy for Advocacy | |
Reports on Work in Progress | Shafi Bhuiyan Nahid Qureshi | Health Information, Education and Communication Needs: a Case Study of a Health Education Workshop in a Public Maternity Hospital in Bangladesh |
Gloria Elena Navarro | Bridging the Digital Divide to Promote Women’s Economic and Social Empowerment in the Philippines | |
KFAW Report | Masami Shinozaki | The Promotion of the Family Business Agreement Policy among Farmers and Gender: The Introductory Phase |
Trends of Women’s Studies in Asia | Amgalan Terbish, and Oyuntsetseg Oidov | Towards Mongolian Women’s Empowerment |
Current Topics | Yuko Tsurugi | Report on the XV Internatioal AIDS Conference, Thailand |
Yukiko Oda | Can We Justify Inequality as a Custom?: A Case of the Right of Common in Okinawa, Japan | |
Book Review | Atsuko Miwa | Navigating You through the Complex Reality of Development from people’s Perspectives |
Women in Kitakyushu | Beverley Anne Yamamoto | The First Female Principal of a Junior High School in Western Japan: A Profile of Katae Terasaka |
Editor’s Note |
JPY 1,000
B5/130 pages
Published in December, 2004
ISSN 0918-8568