KFAW members study and analyze various gender-related problems, primarily in Asia and the Pacific, and present their study results at the Conference on Asian Women, seminars, academic meetings and in various publications.
For the purpose of enhancing and improving our research activities, we commission visiting researchers to promote survey and research activities.
We hold seminars on topics which are discussed from a gender perspective. This aims to help researchers and working-level staff persons in various fields who promote their activities in and around Kitakyushu to share the results of their research and activities mainly related to the Asian region. We strive to expand and improve our network.
At KFAW, researchers and consultants have gathered to develop a new program aimed at preventing dating DV which are currently increasing, particularly among young people. KFAW also prepared career development programs for high school and college students and programs to facilitate the promotion of women’s participation and advancement in manufacturing companies.
To enable KFAW researchers and the Research Division to present their research and activity results, we publish Ajia Josei Kenkyu in Japanese and the Journal of Asian Women’s Studies (JAWS) in English, which are available also as e-journals on KFAW’s website.
At KFAW, we hold seminars in a timely manner, and publish a newsletter on the situations of women in Japan and foreign countries. We also manage a website and an archive of published materials, with the goals of building a wide network and gathering information.
We publish the newsletter Asian Breeze, available in Japanese and English, three times a year. Featuring topics on women especially in the Asia-Pacific region, the newsletter carries columns by both Japanese and overseas experts in various fields as well as local reports by foreign correspondents.
For the purpose of expanding KFAW’s network and gathering information, we recruit foreign correspondents publicly from among those living outside Japan, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. Such correspondents report their local life and the situations of local women.
We develop the Annual Report, a yearly project report, to use in PR activities and as a record of our activities.
At KFAW, we organize the Kitakyushu Conference on Asian Women and other international conferences on Asia and women. Based on our extensive network, we also develop a wide range of activities, such as projects commissioned by the Kyushu International Center of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). We promote networking with overseas gender-related organizations and encourage interactions to share problems and experiences.
For the purpose of considering the problems of women in Asian countries and promoting the empowerment of Asian women through mutual understanding and international cooperation, we hold the Kitakyushu Conference on Asian Women annually. With some presenters invited from overseas, the Conference includes lectures, panel discussions, and breakout sessions.
The purpose of this international seminar is to train national and local government officers in developing countries so that they can promote gender-mainstreaming and empowerment of women at each stage of policy planning, implementation and evaluation. This seminar is commissioned by the JICA Kyushu International Center.
We promote a wide range of interactions with overseas gender-related organizations and work toward the establishment of a permanent network. Through these activities, we strive to solve common problems, improve the status of women, and realize a gender-equal society.
To promote understanding among foreign countries, especially those in the Asia-Pacific region, we conduct exchange activities, such as organizing seminars for international understanding and inviting foreign correspondents to Kitakyushu.
For the purpose of forming a large network and strengthening our financial foundation, KFAW established a supporting member system in the FY 2000. We carry out a variety of activities to expand our membership.
We act as the secretariat of UN Women Kitakyushu. This regional committee provides support for UN Women (formerly United Nations Development Fund for Women [UNIFEM]), which has been established to support activities to ensure gender equality and the empowerment of women.
We collect information from the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and other U.N. organizations.
I am very pleased and honored to take up the post of President of the Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (KFAW) on April 1, 2013. This is particularly so, because for the past 18 years I have been engaged in promoting human development in Asia, including gender equality and a better future for children at different organizations such as the U.N., universities and NGOs.
In 2013, KFAW celebrated its 20th anniversary of establishment as a foundation and was authorized as a public interest incorporated foundation by the Cabinet Office. In this commemorative year, we are renewing our commitments to work for empowerment of women and gender equality in Asia and Kitakyushu City. We will do this by means of research and exchange programs and through practical activities.
Recognizing the great challenges that KFAW must face in an ever changing world, we know that we must do more, and we must do it better. For these efforts we count on your support.
Let me add that as for myself, I am very much looking forward to working with and for the women in the Forum. It is my sincere hope that we will be able to strengthen our engagement with the region on gender issues in deeper and more significant ways.